Hummel Consulting » Services

Our Services

Unlock the potential of your senior living community with Hummel Consulting. From digital marketing to targeted data lists, our customized solutions drive results and boost your success.

What We Do

At Hummel Consulting, we specialize in senior living sales coaching, marketing, and event planning services. Our tailored solutions drive results, helping communities thrive.


Digital Marketing & Graphic Design Services

Transform your senior living community’s online presence with Hummel Consulting’s digital marketing and graphic design services.

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Our expert team crafts captivating visual content and executes strategic digital campaigns to enhance your brand and attract qualified leads. From eye-catching graphics to targeted social media advertising, we ensure your message resonates with your audience and helps you stand out in the competitive senior living market.

Email blast

Wholesale Direct Mail

Wholesale direct mail at Hummel Consulting offers targeted, cost-effective solutions to reach your desired audience in the senior living industry.

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From captivating design to precise mailing lists, we ensure your message lands directly in the hands of potential residents. Our comprehensive approach maximizes ROI, delivering tangible results that boost occupancy rates and drive community growth. Elevate your marketing strategy with wholesale direct mail services.


Campaign Management & Marketing Campaigns

Entrust your senior living community’s marketing success to Hummel Consulting.

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With a focus on ROI and highly targeted data lists, we craft compelling campaigns that help achieve measurable success. Whether you need assistance with digital marketing, graphic design, or wholesale direct mail, our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way.


Targeted Data Lists - ROI Highly Qualified Leads

Unlock the power of targeted data lists with Hummel Consulting.

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Trust our expertise to provide the precise demographic and psychographic insights necessary to pinpoint your ideal audience. We leverage comprehensive market research and strategic analysis to deliver the prospects most likely to convert, driving success.

economy grow

Sales Coaching

Explore the full potential of your sales team with Hummel Consulting’s expert sales coaching services.

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Through targeted strategies and actionable insights, we empower your team to cultivate meaningful relationships with prospects, close more deals, and drive occupancy rates. Whether refining communication skills or implementing effective sales processes, we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs and objectives.


Our Strong Points

Count on Hummel Consulting for senior living success. With a decade of industry experience, we offer innovative sales coaching, targeted marketing, and event planning services. Our customized solutions drive results, boosting occupancy rates and improving your bottom line. Let’s upgrade your community to new heights together.


Senior Living Sales Coaching


Innovative Marketing Solutions


Event Planning Services


Wholesale Direct Mail Campaigns


Targeted Data Lists for ROI Highly Qualified Leads

Our Latest Projects

Explore our latest projects showcasing innovative sales coaching, targeted marketing campaigns, and successful event planning for senior living communities.


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